A Valentines Day Flower Quiz The numbers is the letters in the answer Each is a common flower name. Please do not post the answers, let everyone have a go. I will give the answers when everyone has had a decent opportunity. Or if you are desperate I will PM them to you. 1. Is it the best policy when talking to a loved one. (7) 2. Found in an orchestra, to play a love song? (5) 3. Not the Belle of the Ball! Not the one with the most Valentines (10) 4. Imitation stone . Don't give her one of these as a gift (8.) 5.. Regal Drinking Vessel! What to toast her from? (4,3) 6. Goodfellow needs a new suit. Best not look like this on a date (6,5) 7. Sounds like a lot of sheep. Of suitors? (5) 8. Mean one upset . Wind her up, better not! (7) 9. The Wise King's fastening . With a loving kiss? (8,4) 10. Romance in the foggy foggy dew (4, 2,1,4) 11. Fashionable beast . Should get plenty of Valentines then. (9) 12. Bovine accident. Gentlemen would avert their eyes! (7) 13. Looks good on a tandem. From behind? (5) 14. Blasted old prime minister . Never got a Valentine in his life either! (5) 15. A romantic French Revolution man. (7,9) 16. Harlequin's partner (9) 17. Regret in the garden. How sad you feel without a Valentine (3) 18. Unseasonable weather or a frosty reception to your love? (4,2,6) 19. Eastern lights. Hanging round the bower of love? (7,8,) 20. Christmas Wine. Even better with some chocolate now (9) 21. One way of making money. Spend this to impress? (4) 22. Fairy shellfish. For the folks who go the other way? (10) 23. A demure young lady. No rude Valentines for her then! (8.) 24. Always remembered. Valentine message? (6,2,3) 25. Worn over a tonsure. He definitely would not want a Valentine (9) 26. Auto therapy . What you need when rejected? (8.) 27. Our over worked Queen. Send her a card Phil. (4,6,) 28. The result of trying to boil ale. Better drink a toast in 20 (7) 29. Sound in a Cathedral. The result of a successful Valentine? (10, 5) 30. The flower of your eye! And so she should be! (4)
I love quizzes Eric. Is this one you created yourself? Have got about half of them so far but many have got me guessing :-D
I've only managed to figure out 6 of these so far! I'll sit down with it again after the kids go to bed.
Oh my I fell so silly - giggle giggle I only got three. WIll have to sit with it some more. My excuse now is the timing - not time to read and think a bit... (I cannot also use Droopy's excuse)
Spoiler !. Honesty 2. Viola 3. Wallflower 4. Shamrock 5. King Cup 6. Ragged robin 7. Phlox 8. Anemone 0. Solomon's Seal 10. Love in a mist 11 Dandelion 12. Cowslip 13. Daisy 14. Heath 15. Scarlet Pimpernel 16. Columbine 17. Rue 18. Snow in Summer 19. Chinese Lanterns 20. Hollyhock 21. Mint 22. Periwinkle 23 Primrose 24. Forget me not25 Monkshood 26 Selfheal 27. Busy Lizzie 28. Lobelia 29. Canturbury Bells 30, Iris