I bought SoftPaws cause I was getting very scratched up (and I will never, ever declaw!). wearing SoftPaws ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden )
I've never seen anything like those claw protectors before Jen. What a fetching colour. Can BJ still retract his claws with them on?
They dont impede retracting. He is an indoor kitty, though he has a harness and leash so I can take him outisde safely I bought the covers on SoftPaws.com. They come in 4 sizes and multiple colors, and even make them for dogs. They also started a new line of glueless covers (the ones I got you have to superglue on, then they come off when the nail grows out) that use nibs inside the covers to stay on, but they dont come in kitten size.
Quite the fashion statement Wish I'd known about those when I had my old Buster. He was quite the clawer.