mine has all gone away already... They said we might get up to 3 inches over night but we just got a light dusting...
Your snow looks very festive with your hanging garlands CK but I just hope we don't get any 'white stuff' for a while yet.
It has not been but a flurry here so for so maybe I'll be lucky for a few more days. I love the scene out your window but as EJ said feel free to keep it Capt.
Your decorations are lovely as always Capt. We should by rights have had at least one snow fall by now but nothing yet. I hope it's saving itself for nearer Christmas. At least it gives me a chance to see what I'm doing when I'm cutting greenery for the wreaths.
We did have some snow flurries here but no snow on the ground. Yet 1/2 hr from here they had enough snow for someone to make a snowman. Now that seems unreal but too true when I seen it myself.
How I wish one day when I wake up in the morning and see what you see Capt .. the snow!! the snow!! just wishful thinking cause it'll never snow here. Great view Capt.