blog entries help

Discussion in 'Suggestions / Comments / Help' started by bubbleoffplumb, May 7, 2009.

  1. bubbleoffplumb

    bubbleoffplumb New Seed

    Apr 20, 2009
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    yesterday I started some blog entries. and uploaded two of them. I went back and started adding some photos.
    When I logged in today, my Jan 09 entry wasn't there - edited or otherwise. :(

    I just re posted it w pics - and now my posts are not in sequence :'( :'( .

    I am afraid to go in and delete/reenter because I'll have to wait a LOT of minutes ;)
    ( have I mentioned I'm the impatient sort :) ).

    :?: Is there a way for me to edit them with out deleting?
    :?: If you edit an entry, does it "count" as 1 of the 2 entries you're allotted within a 24 hr period?

    thank you
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  3. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    Hi bubbleoffplumb, I noticed yesterday that there were two blog entries that were the same so I deleted one of them to avoid confusion. Did I make a mistake and deleted a unique blog entry? Apologies in advance if I did.

    I can work some gnome magic on reordering the blog entries. Just let me know what order you would like them in :)
  4. bubbleoffplumb

    bubbleoffplumb New Seed

    Apr 20, 2009
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    thanks bunches!

    gnome blog magic :D wow!

    I was having a bit of trouble with page loading yesterday, probably hit the button more than once (there goes that impatience thing rearing it's ugly head again :oops:)

    I would be appreciative if they could go in chronological order - Jan 09 then March 09.
    If I have any february notes to add, I'll just edit my january or march notes. after I'm caught up this shouldn't be an issue.

    :?: Do you know if edits to blogs count as entries ?- I see there are only 2 entries allotted per day.

    it's nice to have the blog/journal entries -I'm not real good at taking notes and usually use photographs to document the magical progression of things. this will allow me to do a bit of both.

    thank you (and the gnomes) from the bottom of my soil encrusted fingernails
  5. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    Re: thanks bunches!

    Gnome dust has been sprinkled and the blog entries are now in order :)

    No, just separate blog entries count. I imposed the 2 blog entry a day limit to prevent a single member from taking up the whole Recent Blog Entries column seen on the forums.

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