A little bit of Alyssum with the Rain Lily leaves ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) They don't look very happy about it but the red Petunias are hanging in there. Red Petunias ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) Putting on a brave December show ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) Everything else planted in this wagon has given up but not these sweeties. ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) The Penstemon didn't get very tall this year, moving it around a couple of times was probably the reason. But this pink one is still trying. Pink Penstemon ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) This Blanket Flower didn't like the extreme heat of last summer, which surprised me, but it has really been showing off all thru the fall and doing even better after a few hard freezes we have had lately. Burgundy Blanket Flower ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) I had always heard that Gerbera Daisies were a tender annual. Annual it may be but tender it is not. This one is trying to open one more bloom before calling it quits. Gerbera Daisy ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) The Pineapple Lily was just fine until the hard freeze a couple of nights ago. Hope it comes back next year. Pineapple Lily ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) The Basil also didn't make it thru that freeze but the previous freezes seemed to have make it bloom more and more. Basil in bloom ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) I cut all of these off the mini-rose bushes on Monday so they wouldn't be lost to that freeze. Bouquet of Parade Mini Roses ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden )
Wow! With all this snow and wintry weather I just didn't expect to see any blooms. Thanks Toni, for brightening my day
Toni, your green thumb is showing . . . . Your photos and your plants are great--the penstemon is especially nice. Think I need to add Parade roses to my wish list. I just cut a bouquet of Bon Silene buds to save them from the hard freeze, and they are slowly opening. Hope they are as pretty as yours!
Those white Petunias are beautiful Toni. The allysums look so dainty and the color contrast of the purple Petunias with the container is absolutely stunning. Here I was thinking of having a 'white and blue' garden after the house renovations, but that color combinations is having me dreaming already.
Lovely to see flowers today! I have gray sky and some snow to look out on. I like the Pink Penstemon. Did you find a good spot for it to stay?
Glad the blooms added some needed color. Eileen, Netty, Kay and others up in the frozen north. Cheryl, your temps are warmer than ours aren't they? I would think some of your perennials would still be blooming. I have been amazed at how many freezes they plants have gone thru and were still looking good the next day. The Zinnia's lasted until a really good hard freeze we had two weeks ago, then I pulled them up. Until then there was still a Gulf Fritillary butterfly coming around to sup. Thanks, S-H, I am learning my new camera, next spring should be really fun. I have a small, about 5 inch tall, tripod that helped me get the photo of the Pineapple Lily. Without it I just couldn't hold it steady at that angle. MG, I am going to get more of the Parade Roses next time they show up at the grocery store and make a mini-rose bed. I am thinking about getting a toddler bed next time I find one at the thrift store and using the frame for it. These have a very delicate scent so maybe a lot of them will smell really good. Palm Tree, I like strong colors and color combinations. Last year I had Marigolds planted in the orange pot. It looked okay but I really like the purple Petunias better. Kay, I am pretty sure the Penstemon will stay where they are now. I had three on the other side of the yard, then found 2 more on the sale table in Sept. When the Sunflowers died much earlier in the year than I expected I decided to move put them all together. I guess by Spring the roots will be none too pleased with me if I try to move them again.
Toni.... Remember... all my plants have been tucked inside for winter. Any blooms they had have since fallen off. Well.. maybe a couple of them still have a bloom or two still hanging on.
What a joy to see colour at this time of the year. We only have white now thanks to the new dumpnig of snow. Petunias finished here ages ago. A joy to see your flowers.
That's cheered me up no end Toni to see all your lovely blooms at this time of year. Interesting to see your pineapple lily still blooming. We have a white one (incidentally our local Garden Centre told me they only came in white so lovely to see yours). Ours dies down in the winter and comes back up again every year.