There is a small red and black beetle (1/4-1/8") that is sucking my asters and other flower leaves dry. They leave lots of small round brown spots and the leaves are curling up and dying from the damage. After much searching on the web, they look like box elder nymphs. That would make sense since we are always overrun by these bugs in the spring and fall. But I can't find any information about them eating plant leaves. Does anyone have any idea if this is what I'm dealing with and how to control them before they destroy all my hard work? I'm not opposed to using chemicals if that's what it will take.
Hi Jakrum. I found a website that may give you the answer to controlling the box elder bugs you have. Here it is: ... r_bugs.htm
I have a spray that will kill them called "Asian Lady beetle & box elder bug killer" made by Enforcer. Kills mosquitoes and japanese beetles and probably every thing else too. Definitely dont use it on edibles.