Brambles - How do I grow the best!

Discussion in 'Fruit and Veg Gardening' started by bob6831, May 19, 2007.

  1. bob6831

    bob6831 New Seed

    Jun 17, 2005
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    Upstate NY (Dutchess County)
    Have several brambles in my back yard. Includes several types of blackberry, red raspberry, redcaps, and black raspberry.
    In general, what amendments can I spray or put on my brambles to make them produce the best tasting, biggest berries? Miracle Grow?
    Questions about a few of them....... my black raspberries have been dying? out in last 2-3 years. I have plants growing among them that are 'similar' in looks but DON'T have any thorns and of course don't produce any berries! The leaf has a slighly red color to its edges also. Is this a disease of the berries or another plant creeping in?
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  3. Capt Kirk

    Capt Kirk Thank a Veteran today!

    Sep 10, 2005
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    Ohio, USA
    Hi Bob, I would think that the best stuff you could give your plants would be good ol compost! If you don't have any of that, then Miracle grow would be my next best choice. Are you talking cultivated berries or wild berries? I have wild raspberries around me and they tend to die out about every 3 to 4 years. But then new patches form, usually not too far from the old ones. To get the biggest and juiciest berries, it depends more on moisture than plant food. A steady supply of water will do more to get them than anything. Once the berry starts to form make sure it get's at least an inch of water a week. To stretch out your berry supply for either jam or pies, mix them half and half with mulberries. They will still taste like raspberries to the point that you can't tell the difference. Mulberries are about twice the size and similar in flavor. Hope this helps!

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