not only our cherry tree has suffered this year, although laden with fruit, but our bramley apple tree is stacked with small fruit which has scabs on each apple! what an awful year on the allotment, the only thing growing well is brassicia, and also we did have lots of overwintering garlic and onions. moderator's note: added a more descriptive title to topic
I know this fungus...if what you are speaking of is "apple scab", as a woman down the way had this. You could try pruning the limbs or twigs that have fruits exhibiting the lesions...but if it is too wide- spread,then you might want to get up ALL of the dead leaves in the winter, as thes is where the fungus 'lives' over the winter months. When spring arrives the fungus releases its spores and they are born by wind to other trees as well as the original tree. The trick is to be meticulous with the gathering and burning of the leaves. I am sorry to hear that you had this problem, this has been quite moist so far and we over here are also suffering from the results of all the moistness.
Not keen on spraying, but Copper Sulphate is good for controlling Apple and Pear Scab. It does not get rid of already existing damage, but it does reduce the number of spores being released.