I took these photos over a period of 2 days, to show you how the flower changes color according to temps and the age of the bloom. In summer, when 'Pink Masterpiece' re-blooms, I'll show you how the flower colors are different than these cooler temp blooms. The first picture, day temps never rose above 69 F. Day of full open: 76 degrees F. Day 1 brugmansia bloom 69 degrees ( photo / image / picture from Bodhi's Garden ) brugmansia bloom day 2 open 76 degrees ( photo / image / picture from Bodhi's Garden )
Lol Jerry, I love your avatar...why is the plant dying?? I should be more specific, was trying to name particular variety of brug in post. All brugs (that I've met) do this color change.
Hi Bodhi, I'm going to keep this plant on my "have to see list." As for my Avatar, no one has figured how to water one but I'm working on it Jerry
I've noticed my Brug blooms change from yellow to orange as it matures too. I never noticed the temperatures.
I never paid attention to the temps either Netty, until reading up more on brugs from expert growers who have also documented the color changes in relation to temps. Pretty interesting, I really have fallen in love with these beautiful plants. My first brug was from a 'stolen' cutting. My husband and I were driving out on Krome avenue (anyone from Miami knows this long road is last one out of city and parallels the everglades) Anyway, Krome avenue is well known for having ALL of the commerci8al nurseries, many places throughout the states have their inventory shipped from here. You can drive for miles upon miles and see nothing but open fields full of tomato, strawberry, exotic palm nurseries, etc. We drove by a GIANT brugmansia that had overgrown the nurserie's lot and was overhanging onto an open field. I had Gino stop the car and get me a small limb. That was 1998. I am still growing a soft peach colored brug from the 'mother tree. BTW, she had to be all of 20 feet. I've never seen a brug that tall, and was part of my inspiration to get the cutting in the first place. Mine have never even began to get that large.