The neighbor dropped off a bag of brussel sprouts and to be honest I didn't know we could grow them down here I aint knowed any one who did till now. One things for sure I'll be planting the now!! they were amazing and even better than they look.
I've grown brussel sprouts here in NY a few years back. They are by far the most interesting plant I've grown. Almost prehistoric looking. I had great production from my four plants. Nothing best fresh especially halved and sauteed in olive oil garlic and a little red pepper flake.
It's a great idea to grow brussel sprouts! This miniature cabbage is one of the most nutritious vegetable. It is rich in protein, dietary fiber, minerals and antioxidants. Besides, brussel sprouts are an excellent source of vitamin A, C and K. Such small, leafy green buds offers protection from vitamin A deficiency, bone loss, iron-deficiency anemia. Moreover, it can protect from cardiovascular diseases and colon. moderator's note: removed website link, see point 1.1 of usage rules
I have several plants growing now. Problem here is it usually gets too hot for them to produce. I planted them early enough this year,,just hoping the Texas heat holds off a while. Would sure love mine to produce a few of them.
I have some growing here too but they are growing slower than the mercury is rising. I planted them back march 8 gambling I could sneak some early but beginning to have my doubts like you though still hopefull
In our areas (both yours and mine),, and weather permitting,, mid February is not too early for sprouts . They are a cool to cold weather crop . Usually the growers here don`t have them till March and thats when I planted mine . They are beginning to put on buds where the sprouts grow. I removed all the lower leaves a couple of weeks ago leaving about a 4 inch stem and about 8 inches of top growth for shade. They are pretty heavy feeders so fertilizing regularly is needed. Have no idea how the commercial growers care for them so I am experimenting somewhat. Good luck with yours and cross your fingers for mine,, pray the cooler weather hangs around a while. Would sure love to have some fresh ones.
I am kinda ignernt about them my family never grew them. This spring a neighbor brought some by and I was surprised. So I tried planting some after he gave me some. Friends all said too late but it was a fun try. They also laughed when I planted broccoli and cauliflower, but we picked plenty brocoli and have a few cauliflower heads forming. So far so good.
The broccoli heads do not get large here but after you harvest it they will continue to make side shoots. I just put them in a ziplock bag till enough for a meal or to freeze.
Thats what we have been doing too Mart we sue them in stir fries and bbq veggys and such in adition to saving up for a side dish.