Hi Everybody Well we been busy busy on our pole barn,I havent been able to get back with anyone,But it coming along really good, We have the frame up and the roof on and part of the sides.We have had some trouble but we fixed it so on with the work. Its going to be great, cant wait. Thank you all for writing back to work, talk with you tomorrow.
You must be getting really excited now Margie as the pole barn is nearly finished. If Petunia won't let me live in her new greenhouse I could always drop in and set up house in your barn!! I would love to see piccies of it when it's finished.
GETTING CLOSER Iam excited about it, but guess im to tired to no it yet,I will try to send pictures because I took them from the ground up , All I have to do is learn how to put them on here,someone sent me directions so maybe I can. My husband is wanting to raise puppies on one small side of it We have an american bulldog and we thought it might bring in extra money every now and then. But it sounds like work to me. Margie
Sounds as if you and your hubby have been very busy Margie. Look forward to seeing a photo of your pole barn when it is finished.....and yes, you are right about puppies being hard work, depending on the size of the litter. Maybe American Bulldogs have small litters but the Flatcoated Retrievers we have had can have a litter of up to 13 Our first one was from a litter of 13 and the second from a litter of 10 but then again, think of the extra money that would bring
Well Garden girl we have done this once before but we had them in the house in the dining room we had tarps on my hardwood floors and a big box on top of that and worst of all is we had chicken wire all around the room from one side to the other, it was awful It was like that for three months. I was so glad yo see my floor after it was over , we sold all of them 5 But they can have alot more. we were taking them out all the time after they got their eyes open we didnt want the house being smelly, I couldnt stand that, we were really busy with all of it , Maybe outside will be alot better,He weighs about 100 lbs.so you could imagine all those little pups running everywhere. Oh well fun fun Margie