Is the aloe vera alright to use on a tongue if you burned it eating pizza? I keep doing that, you would think I would learn but it taste so much better when it is hot. I have never used it internally like that but I have for other things.
I think it would be okay. I've used it for chapped lips. When we lived in Arizona a lady we knew bought some at the health food store that was liquid and she drank some each day. dooley
It might be a bit tricky to get it to stay on your tongue but it wouldn't hurt to try. Aloe Vera taken internally is good for the digestive tract, kidneys and urinary tract. The major drug stores have it in several forms just make sure the label says it can be taken internally since some have all sorts of additives for external use only, plus you can find an assortment of Aloe Vera drinks/juices at any Oriental Market
I have to admit I've broken a "leaf" off our Aloe Vera plant and stuck it on my tongue after I downed some very hot cocoa.
aloe vera is great for burns inside and out of the body. like Toni said *waves to Toni* it is great for the digestive system. It makes a great drink when mixed with a lemon drink,,alone,,,ohh yeah its really bad. But why not try some milk. the enzymes in the milk act as a cooling, and will also coat the tongue so that it has a chance to reduce the swelling. Unless you have liquid aloe on hand it will be difficult to keep on the tongue.
Ooooo Sherry that hurts. Have you ever had a string of cheese reach out and slap you across the lip. That is a bad burn too. I've done it too many times to count. Feel better.