Vertical cantaloupe. I have 10 cantaloupe tie up. Picked 1st one yesterday.It was yummy. ( photo / image / picture from Donna S's Garden )
That is great. I just love this idea and probably will do the same thing next year. Thanks for sharing..
Donna, super! What do you use to cradle the cantaloupes? I usually have melon vines sprawling on the ground and the melons get damaged/eaten by armadillos and rabbits. I have thought of trellising them, but wasn't sure if it worked. Well, it obviously does!
I may have to try it also. I have enough room over by the berries to do something like this. Can you get us a closeup photo of them in their supports?
Hope pics help. I put 3 pieces of pvc pipe in ground about 3-4 feet high and put heavy duty tomato cages into the pvc pipe. So trellises are 5-6 feet tall. Every few days I tied vines up the trellis. I'm using onion bags and heavy duty twist ties to cradle fruit from trellis. So far it's working very well. I did cucumbers this way also. They were much easier to find. I am also using these for some of the bigger tomato plants. ( photo / image / picture from Donna S's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from Donna S's Garden )
Donna, how ingenious! I'll start asking friends to save mesh bags for me. Next year's garden may have some melons that don't have tiny tooth marks on them!
At what point do you put them in bags? Early on when they are first developing? Or you just guess when they look to be getting heavy?