I finally got a good, well good for me, photo of one of our male Cardinals in the snow. I have been waiting to get one of these for years. Cardinal in snowy tree ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden )
Those red cardinals do look so pretty against a snowy background! I wonder if they are as surprised as you are by the snow?
That Cardinal is the only bird I have seen venture out of hiding so far today. This has been the first winter in years that we have had this much cold and two snow falls, I imagine the birds are tired of winter too. I have filled the suet holders and put out a large tray of Safflower seeds for any time they get hungry.
What kuntrygal said. He's really showing up in all that whiteness. It's nice of him to play bauble on your trees.
He came back and sat at a lower level in the tree, turned a bit sideways making a beautiful picture. I had just finished my lunch, put the tray down, grabbed the camera getting it ready before stealthily sneaking out the front door, raised the camera for the photo and off he flew
Very nice photo, you have to be quick and very still to catch them. I have deleted many photos of tails & wings or just nothing.
Hey I missed something -- you have snow too, Toni?? Wow, that's not common at all is it? Hope you were ready for it. Cardinal is so pretty.
It used to be quiet common to have at least one good snowfall in Jan. or Feb. My avatar was taken on Valentines Day 2004, we had about 4 inches that day. The latest snowfall we have had was the first weekend in March 1989...over 6inches and hung around for almost 5 days. Since then our snowy days have become fewer and further between.
That is a beautiful Photo and bird.I think the Carnials , Blue Birds Blue Jays and Woodpeckers or the prettiest birds around here.
They sure do stand out, don't they! Such an unusual winter...if this is indeed global warming, I predict that Wisconsin will be the place to be in a few years. It will be snowing in the southern states, Canada will become tropical, and we'll be nestled right in the middle. Enjoy your snow!