This picture was taken in the evening. It's a little darker than I like. Bird feeders in my front yard. ( photo / image / picture from dooley's Garden ) dooley
That's when the Cardinals like to come get their bites, at dusk before they go to bed. My favorite bird!
There are always cardinals out there from dawn until it starts getting dark. I can see them from the computer and I can see them from the kitchen window. They have always been one of my favorite birds. dooley
I bought another feeder today at a garage sale. It's shaped like a barn with a silo on one end. It needs a good cleaning before I can hang it up. I wonder if they will like it. I will post a picture when I get it cleaned up. dooley
It is so nice to see cardinals at the they are scared away by the sparrows at times that do not like to share the food.
Yes those red birds are beautiful. We now have the young cardinals coming to the feeder and it is fun to watch them try and figure out how to eat those seeds in shells.