Tithonia bloom with a Gulf Fritillary butterfly and wild Ruellia blossom in the background: Tithonia bloom with Mayfly
Beautiful photo's. I really like the orange fritillary on the orange flower and the ruellia behind sets them off. I was surprised at the mayfly being so transparent. I've never seen them up here.
Thanks all for enjoying the photos. I actually took the 2nd photo for the purpose of getting an ID on this little bug that has always delighted me by being a seasonal visitor to the garden but i didn't know what it was. 2ofus, when the bug was identified there were a few people on the forum who commented about what a fancy Mayfly it was so i guess this is a different species than the ones that are common in the US.
Thank you Donna S, i always try to keep the Tithonia close to the Ruellia...the orange and bluish purple colors together create a happy feeling that always makes me smile.