Took the kids and the dogs for a walk. My grandson River is 2 1/2, and his commentary is particularly amusing. He wanted to hold their leashes, so he took turns walking each of them. I had a 3rd leash which I clipped to whichever dog he was walking, so that when he dropped his leash (which happened whenever he forgot he was holding it) they were still tethered. (You can sort of see that in the right hand side picture. Reminder: The dogs' names are actually Jazz and Tango Mango, don't cwoss da stweet! OH NO, A CAR! Chazz, get outta dere, dats siwwy! Be careful Mango! Dust a minute Chazz, I fixin' your weash. Look, Bee. Is Mango! (My Grandma name with these kids is Bee....a combination of Ronnibee which is an endearment from my own children, because I'm always busy as a bee, combined with another endearment from my son-in-law who dubbed me Biddy a long time ago, which got shortened and intertwined with the Ronnibee name....and somehow I'm now Bee. Which I happen to think is a really cute Grandma name.
How tute Bee....Wiss I could bee there. I would love to borrow those kids for an hour here and an hour there. Would be fun. LOL
Hahaha...Barb. That kid is hilarious. The things he says and the way he says them....I could listen to him for hours. WAY better than TV. His latest cutenesses are "But Mo-om...." long drawn out Mom every time Paige tells him to do something. He doesn't even have a clue that it's a tool to procrastinate with. He just says "But Mo-om...." and then proceeds to do whatever she says. Another one is "Oh my goodness. That's so crazy!" (except in River-speak with his unique usage) and he puts his little hands on either side of his face. It is one of the most adorable things ever! And he does it completely randomly, whether he's watching Paige feed Lucy, eating dinner, or watching the dogs get boisterous. His antics remind me of all the cute things my kids did when they were young.