I went to TSC for a gas can....I left with no gas can and a bunch of 50cent chicks. A whopping $42.00 savings. americaunas and golden buffs. ( photo / image / picture from carolyn keiper's Garden ) On Sunday I got a call from a friend wanting to know if I or anyone I knew wanted some chicks from a school hatch project. I said "NO" I just got some. I changed my mind and called her back and said "yes". I never gave it a thought what they would be other than maybe a bunch of roos which will become chicken and noodles, fried chicken...etc.. So she brought them to me on Tuesday. ( photo / image / picture from carolyn keiper's Garden ) Surprise surprise! they are a mixed flock of ????? any guesses? I can see there are a couple of Brahma's those are the chicks with feathers on their feet. there are some black and cream ones, yellow (I assume are leghorns) and a cute little redish one.... ( photo / image / picture from carolyn keiper's Garden )
I'd bet the black and cream ones are Australorps. We have 12 of them running amok in the barn coop right now, and they looked just like that about three weeks ago. Great layers, very docile, and have fun personalities (well, I am a pushover for animals, so take the personality comment with a grain of salt). Glad you didn't get out of the chicken/egg business!
Jane, Do they have black legs? these do and one has black feet, too. Going back to the ones I got at TSC I am not convinced they are Americaunas, though. Today as I looked at them their feathers are barred and I don't remember any of my previous ones ever being like this. Maybe they are Welsummers, but I doubt it. I will have to wait and see what they feather into. I am just hoping they are all pullets. I know the other batch of chicks isn't since it was from a classroom chick hatch, I am hoping they aren't all roosters.
Wow Carolyn you sure have a huge number of chicks arriving at one time,..luckily all around about the same age,..there are surely a few roosters in there and a good variety of breeds as well though i wouldn't venture to guess what they are at present,..you got a good bargain with the first lot,..the second lot from the school hatch was a great bonus,..glad you didn't stick to saying no.
Thanks Philip. I Am getting two more hatches yet from the same person. I have no idea if they will be of similar assortments or leghorns. She will be a great go to person for various need in the agriculture field. She is the director of the state agriculture program for a neighboring county, (but is a personal friend) and I just found out she has had this job for a year. I haven't asked here where she was working, I never thought about it. What a great resource.
Hi Carolyn,..methinks you should be prepared for a bigger chick and hen area,..yes you have a good contact there.
Carolyn, my Australorps have yellow feet (haven't really checked their legs since I've been concentrating on both ends--beak and the other). They really look like Australorp chicks to me, but don't bet the farm on my opinion! I envy you having a friend who is a ag agent. Great contact, great source of information, and probably a really nice lady, too!
Philip, I think so, too. Jane, I have two that have black legs that fade into yellow feet. another one has black legs and feet. I do think two of them are australorps, but no idea on the others. Time will tell.
That's a gal after my own heart. You go girlfriend. I just did 100 chicks. Now I am doing a few ducks and turkeys. They will all be sold in a week. But, I will save what I want first.
Hey Barb, I wasn't even going to raise chicks this year. the price is getting a little too high for me to even think about it for some breeds, I saw a few that were up to $20.00 per chick NO WAY! Have you any ideas on what is in the collection of the second group? I am a little clueless. I have a few ideas and am wondering if there is a Maran in there. One looks as if it doesn't have much of a "tail"? hmm, no idea at all for that one.
That's why I have hatched so many... I will keep what looks like hens and sell the rest. Hubby has already sold some and made the money back in for the food we used so far. You know just cause those chickens look like something doesn't mean they are "true".. Wonder where they got the chicks???
Barb, The person I got the chicks from is the county extension service director. I am assuming that they came from a reputable hatchery for the project ( the state spares no expense when providing or buying for their experiments/pet projects).. I am thinking after looking closely at a few of them I have a couple australorps, a couple leg horns, a barred rock or a dominique (have to wait on the comb for that distinction, I think) and 3 buff brahma's...so far. oh, and maybe a partridge cochin. There are 11 chicks and a few more of which I have no idea what they will be. One is a reddish color with barred wings, so far.
Kiasmum, I wasn't going to do chicks this year do to the high price, but these were such a reasonable deal...I just couldn't pass it up.