Today everyone is after your e-mail, most of the time 'junk e-mail' is uninteresting, except perhaps for today. I received an e-mail from a local farm store (starts with A and ends with y). They also supply animal food for critters large and small in the surrounding area. But today's electronic missive had an order form link and while I am not about to avail myself of the services I thought the content of particular interest. Since several of our members provide room and board to many of these feathered creatures, I found the info an interesting read(at least for this city slicker). It listed 11 different chicks(pullets), assorted bantams, guinea hens, ducks, geese and lastly meat birds, cornish rocks and two kinds of turkeys. Minimum order was 6 of any kind of bird. The cheapest bird was the cornish rocks while the turkeys fetched the most. You had to pick up your order the day they arrived(they phone you) and the sex was about 90% correct, so some guys(country alarm clocks) probably made it through the screening process. They advertised 15% off chick supplies except food and shavings). I wonder what else the chick needs. Their own nest? Water bottle? Do they huddle together for warmth? Maybe a huddle box(with their favorite NFL logo. As for the song....if you missed the Broadway opening on March 31, 1943 of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical Oklahoma, then you may have missed the song "The Surrey With the Fringe On Top". I know I did as my mother was still carrying me around and I would not wear my first set of diapers for another 7 months. I'll sing a few lines.... Chicks and ducks and geese better scurry When I take you out in the surrey, When I take you out in the surrey with the fringe on top! Watch that fringe and see how it flutters When I drive them high steppin' strutters. You can now rescue the cat from under the couch, no more singing. Nothing like getting a little milage out of an unwanted E-mail. Jerry
wow jerry didn't know you was such a crooner lol nice to laugh first thing in the morning have a great day lol
OUCH Jerry that hurt my ears!! Found myself singing along though which scared my poor husband witless.
Thanks a lot! Now I'll be humming that all day till I turn on the radio and block it out somehow... "With isingglass curtains you can roll right down in case there's a change in the WEA...ther."