Chipmunk looking for his shadow

Discussion in 'Wildlife in the Garden' started by gfreiherr, Feb 9, 2010.

  1. gfreiherr

    gfreiherr Young Pine

    Oct 12, 2009
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    Knoxville, Tennessee
    Chipmunk looking for his shadow ( photo / image / picture from gfreiherr's Garden )

    This is Chippy, he and his friends live under my garden. He comes out every day looking for his shadow...but its been a long time since we have seen the sun!

    "The Chipmunk is a ground dwelling mammal, digging tunnels or burrows, about two inches in diameter. The entrance to the tunnel system is next to a solid object, such as a tree stump, large rock, or post. Secondary exits are often in open areas, and there are no dirt piles around the hole. This makes it difficult for predators to find. The chipmunk digs with its front paws, which have four sharp claws on each. The dirt is push to the surface, and then carried away in the animals cheeks. The tunnel system can be as long as thirty feet in length, with several interconnecting passages. Tunnels are normally two to three feet below ground, this depth varies with weather conditions. Most burrows have several sleeping areas, as well as food storage areas. The sleeping area, or nest is enlarged and filled shredded leaves to make a comfortable bed. Food is normally stored in the lowest tunnels, to keep it cool, and fresh."

    ( photo / image / picture from gfreiherr's Garden )
    This is his cousin "Cheeky". Chipmunks are a member of the squirrel family, also know as ground squirrels.

    cleaning up the birdseed ( photo / image / picture from gfreiherr's Garden )

    They love it when I clean out the feeders. They fill their pouches full and store it in their boroughs. I have seen five or six at a time and have 2 inch holes all over my yard.
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  3. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Cute little devils aren't they? So much better than our destructive grey squirrels. I can easily see where 'Cheeky' got his name. :-D
  4. desertflower

    desertflower Seedling

    Jun 26, 2007
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    Awww, they are so cute. When I was 13 I found a baby ground squirrel. It was spotted. Anyway, I raised it and had it for 6 years. I have always just loved the little guys. Thanks for posting and all the info.

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