Hi all, If you had a custom user title in the past you'll be glad to hear they are returning soon Also is your avatar / profile pic all cut up and chopped off. Please let me know and I'll fix it up for you as best I can!
Ronni, Now you can take that as a compliment.... don't you think???? If you cut me off I think I am fine Frank, even though this is a 7 year old picture and I don't really don't look like that anymore... LOL
I can't get past this reset password. But, it gave me a complicated one now. If I don't get it right it makes me wait to try it again. Oops! dooley
Dooley, if you go into your profile you can change your password to whatever you want. I changed mine to the one I've always had here!
Hi @Ronni , just posted an explanation here http://www.gardenstew.com/threads/whats-with-the-title-under-my-username.34694/
Hi @Ronni , Patches still exist however there are not as tightly integrated into the new software because it's part of the older system. You can send a Patch to a member by clicking on their member name and then clicking Send a Patch on the profile box that pops up. To view your Patches you have to venture into one of the older parts of the site, i.e. any part that's not the forum, and you will see your My Patches link on the top right. Patches will still be awarded as before for events like 'Years on the Stew' etc... It was a compromise so apologies that it's not exactly the way it was before.
Yikes Frank: at first when I tried to sign in I thought----what in the ####happened to the Stew. It will take some getting use to the new look and how the site now operates. I liked how colorful the old site was. But one needs to embrace change. I think I need a glass of wine and stop my whining. You did a great job.