I have been searching on the internet for mum seeds. But the only ones that I have been able to find are mixed or the daisy type. I am looking for solid colors. I am thinking white, yellow, blue and maybe maroon or the dark rust colored ones. I want to plant them in pots to set on my new retaining wall, which the top is stairstepped. Thank you if you can help!
Chrysanthemum indicum Charm Early Fashion Mixed. These are cushion forming mums that are self coloured flowers. Chrysanthemum x koreanum Fanfare Improved F1 Double pom-pom self coloured flowers in rich autumn colours. Hope this helps you out.
I have solid yellow, but not sure where the seeds are exactly I hear they are tiny & not in the usual spot, I am going to look today & if I find some & you want them they are yours for SASE Thats not my pic, but that is what they look like.
Steph, if you can find them, I would surely take them. I want to plant 5 or 6 pots with each pot a different color if I can. Thanks
Capt. I have some maroon ones just starting to bloom. I don't know where to find the seed, if I can't find them I will just send you some of the plantlets when I divide them next month.
The seeds have to be somewhere in the flower head. I would think that once the flower head dies off, you could just snip off the whole head into an envelope and as they dried, the seeds would fall out. I willsend a pm to get snail mail address to send a sase. And I would do the same for Dtephinalta too.
I can send you flower heads if I cant find the seeds also, I have 3 pots full of the yellow (Granma's favorite flower.) a neighbor has lavendar, I can ask her for a few flower heads also if you like, she lets me take cuttings of her Passion vine all the time so I dont think she will mind a few flower heads.