Cornell University sponsors Project FeederWatch, which tracks migration paths, populations, disease spread, and habitat growth/shrinkage for North American birds. Inca doves ( photo / image / picture from marlingardener's Garden ) We take part in FeederWatch, and report birds that come to our feeders, like these Inca doves. If you like to watch birds, and have feeders out for them, please check out Cornell's website http://www.birds.cornell.eduand see if this is something you'd be interested in. The more participants, the more data, and the better the research. Of course, Cornell is not interested in songbirds alone. When we report the Redtail Hawks that come around in the fall, Cornell frequently asks if we "really" saw that many. Yes, we did! Redtail Hawk ( photo / image / picture from marlingardener's Garden )
I saved the site in my favorits. Don't have time to go and look in depth but will later. Interesting looking site.
I take part in surveys for the RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) and the SWT (Scottish Wildlife Trust) and Springwatch over here in Scotland. They do much the same thing as your Project FeederWatch and I know the information we all supply proves very useful.