The roses are finally coming back since we've been trying to clean out the honeysuckle, etc. from them. We've kinda let that area get overgrown to hide all the junk our neighbors have in that area. :-o So hopefully now that the roses have some more room... they'll fill in the area even more. Climbing Rose ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden ) Climbing Rose - close up ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden )
I really like those roses Cheryl. I think they're going to cover that area well as they certainly seem very healthy.
You knowe, Cheryl--if your neighbour has some unsightly junk there...why not construct a length of wooden fence and then clean the whole area out and make a wonderful border. You could prune back the roses and let them stay. There's nothing quite as striking as a well-planned and executed border, y'know.
Sjoerd... we're not talking your average junk here. They have old cars, tractors, 18-wheeler trucks, cattle trailers and no telling what else piled up back there. The fence would have to be long AND tall! And this is just one part of the land... rest isn't much better either. The view from our front porch looks out on one of their sections where they have horses... and yep... more junk. :-o My folks actually bought the lot between their property and ours just to keep the junk at bay! But anyhow... back to the roses.... This corner is where our pasture fence line begins. So... I've planted some bamboo down the fenceline and if that doesn't do the trick then I'm thinking maybe some banana trees. So in the meantime...along that section of fence, the honeysuckle, trees and dewberry vines, along with the roses will have to do for now.