I just received 5 different kinds of Columbine seed. I'd like to plant them now, but I'm not sure if they need a cold period first. Anyone?
Yeah, they do need a cold period so planting in the fall is usually best. But you can copy nature in a way by planting them in moist soil then putting them in the fridge or freezer for 2-3 weeks. They do need light to germinate too so don't bury them in the soil just press them down on the top of it. It takes another 3-4 weeks for them to germinate. Good luck and don't forget to keep up updated on their growth progress.
Actually one other technique which works is to gently rub the seed between two pieces of fine sand paper (the stuff used for smoothing wood). This scratches the coat and allows the uptake of water which is what the seed needs to do to germinate.