This is the path from our house to the barn. path from house to barn ( photo / image / picture from marlingardener's Garden ) We travel it several times daily, and since we were wearing a path through the grass, decided to make a real path with something to look at and smell as we go back and forth. We have hummingbird feeders, a bird watering station, and plants that attract birds and pollinators. Our path has worked out well for all of us. Sure wish y'all could come walk it with me!
it's beautiful. If we ever go to Zapata again, hopefully we can stop and tale a walk with you on the way.
What a lovely path to brighten your walk. Very nicely done. Was it much work finishing off like you did?
I totally love it! I'd probably wear out a pair of shoes just going back and forth for no particular reason at all! What all do you have planted along it?
A trip down your path starts with a picture. From paths to beards the window to your daily activities is open a little more. Thank you, Jerry
What do we have planted? Well, there is a Clytemnestra rose on the big ashe juniper, Pearl d' Or, Lady Hillingdon, and Marie Pavie roses: a growing clump of mealy blue sage; two lavenders; cedar sage; two small Wafer Ashe trees; a clump of Greigg's Blue Mist flower; West Texas mallow; Peruvian rock rose; and a bunch of Indian Coral berry. No, I don't overplant!
very nice, i love all the little paths in gardens and yards.... guess i get that from running around my great great grandparents garden as a kid.
OMG, I love the look of that path. The setting is just so comfy, homey looking. I could very easily and happily become a garden ornament there, if you hear some rustling behind the Clytemnestra just throw a donut and cup of tea over there once in a while and I'll try not to bother you.
just love it. u ever... walk barefoot? when i was little i remember all people in grandma's village walked barefoot no matter what (in the summer, of course). I also loved it. Still do it sometimes when I visit parents and work a bit in my flower garden. Calin