I have been reading a little bit about 'companion planting', and which plants get along together and which ones do not. I am certainly not an expert on the subject. I overlooked the table that says cucumbers and melons do not get along together, and I accidently planted watermelons in the same bed as my cucumbers. Will it hurt them? I have watermelons in another bed, so I could use my rake and rake the melon seeds away from my cucumbers. I only have 1 row of cucumbers. They are all still seeds, as I planted the cukes yesterday, and the watermelons today. The bed is large, and since I only had 1 row of cukes, and had room for other things, I did not think anything of planting some of my melons in the same bed as the cukes. I have been trying to decide where to put my parsley, and some bell pepper seeds, and some sunflowers. I have 2 empty beds, and part of the one onion and cucumber bed. I also have some blue butterfly peas in next to the onions and cukes. This is more complicated than keeping my two male dogs apart for now. I just had the youngest one neutered, but he is still rather growly. [I also have 3 females, all spayed and neutered now.] Hopefully, he quits that soon.
I think its mainly a no-no because the same insects and diseases can attack both species, so you'd have to be extra vigilant.
Bip's thought is an excellent point. Not one I would have thought of, but you can always plant a bunch of herbs or marigolds in with the melons and cukes to confuse the insects and draw in beneficial insects.
I have marigold seed that I am going to plant in with my tomatoes this week, and I can add some of that to the cuke/melon patch too... and elsewhere as far as it will go. I have gobs of zinnia seeds from last year, maybe some of those would help too? They look pretty in the veggie garden.