Copied this from a newsletter that I get from The Soap Lady, a great source for nad made soaps ( ) Thought it had some interested tidbits. ordering seeds for my garden I like to keep in mind that plants have companions that do well with one another. Green beans do well when planted between rows of onions. An added benefit is that the leaves of the beans shade the rows of onions, making weed control much easier. Tomatoes do best when planted well away from peppers. Pumpkins like to grow between rows of corn. Chives prevent worms in my apples when I plant them at the base of the trees. Silver king artemesia, when planted near my door, will discourage flies from entering the house. Zinnias as well as marigolds planted around the perimeter of the garden prevent bugs from eating the vegetables. Strong smelling herbs such as cilantro, basil and dill among the tomatoes prevent slugs from nesting there. Plant nasturtiums among your salad greens to control insects there. Nasturtiums are edible, both the leaves and the flowers. They make a lovely presentation in your salad! Check out the links I included here, there is one really good one that I printed out and refer to often.
Hmmm... I need to get some "Silver king artemesia". What is it? (showing my ignorance here, of course.)
Hey Polly, ill be doing pumkins this summer,right near our corn.i saved a ton of seeds from diffrent pumpkins last year,the whites are my new favorite!
Tomato and Peppers are from the same family and attract the same pests and diseases. Thanks for the links on companion planting guys!
Thanks for the great tips. I'm w/ Geniosity I think I need to research the silver king artemisia. The flies are really starting to show. First it's the moths, then flies, next the 'skeeters' will be in full force. :-?