Concerning or natural?: Euphorbia

Discussion in 'Houseplants' started by ava.k, Jul 24, 2021.

  1. ava.k

    ava.k New Seed

    Jun 27, 2021
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    Michigan, US
    20210724_105853-min.jpg 20210724_105903-min.jpg 20210724_105914-min.jpg My euphorbia, crown of thorns I think, the leaves are turning yellow and falling of. Some of the flower stems have also withered and died but I assume the flower falls are natural.
    20210724_111255-min.jpg 20210724_111301-min.jpg
    It was sitting next to this other dieing succulent, so I hope the euphorbia hasn't gotten any bugs or disease.

    I water when the soil is dry and it sits outside on the south side of the house.
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  3. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    This euphorbia is most commonly found in homes; however, their natural habitat is indeed outside. Right then, meid— YOUR euphorbia then.

    Some ideas:
    It looks to me like your pot may not have enough soil in it. You could ad some now (on the bottom).

    When watering, I would give it water to the bottom and not on top of the soil.

    You can set the thing in a light place, but be aware that this type of euphorbia doesn’t really like sunlight. It likes plenty of indirect light.

    Do you ever mist the leaves with water? That would be good to do.

    I wonder if your plant isn’t suffering from too little moisture to yjr roots somehow.

    I suspect that it may also be due for a repotting. You can best do that in the spring. You bring it indoors in the winter, right?

    Hey, good luck with your plant, I am sure that other folks on here will also have ideas for you.

    p.s. youhave checked closely foe insects, haven’t you?
    Lilthisnthat likes this.
  4. ava.k

    ava.k New Seed

    Jun 27, 2021
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    Michigan, US
    You first commented on the soil. I realize my post my have looked a little confusing now. The second set of pictures is of a different plant that the euphorbia sat next to. I referenced it because I did not know if that one had a disease/bug it could have passed to the euphorbia.

    As for insects I haven't noticed anything. The flower stems have been a bit sticky and I sprayed it a couple times with a mix of water, rubbing alcohol, and regular dawn dish soap.

    I just bought it a couple months ago and repotted it maybe two weeks after that.

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