Things are looking cheery in my own little tropical rain forest. ( photo / image / picture from EJ's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from EJ's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from EJ's Garden ) The yellow orchid I gave to my nan for her 80th birthday. When it had finished, and I happened to be down in Devon visiting, she asked me if I would take it home with me as she didn't know how to look after it. It has spent all this summer in the garden, coming in during October time. Within a couple of weeks of coming in, 2 flower spikes. These have been open for at least 3 weeks now, and I think they could probably go on for another 3! ( photo / image / picture from EJ's Garden ) As you can see, the pineapple is getting bigger. There also seems to be a little baby pineapple growing half way down the stem of the main fruit. This is curious...we shall have to see if it ripens. ( photo / image / picture from EJ's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from EJ's Garden ) And finally my Chrismtas cactus putting on an amazing show. I always plan to buy a selection of colours to mix in with the pink, but never do. Maybe this will be the year. Hope you enjoyed a splash of colour in this chillsome December.
I enjoyed the colour very much. Boy, those orchids really does look like sunshine in the house. The christmas cacti are very impressive....mine have all finished.
It's so good to see your beautiful flowers EJ. I really enjoyed looking at your photographs as there is nothing (except my mahonia) that's in bloom here at the moment. Your pineapple has certainly come on a treat - I hope it's as good to eat, when it's ripe, as it looks. :-D
That is so delightful to see all of that color this time of the yesr.Your Orchids are so bright and beautiful.
Wow Isnt that the ultimate in december..Love it . I think the blight took a toll on my orchids. had them about 4 years an they croaked. Makes me sad to see yours so happy.LOL Thanks for letting us look. I have a bird cage like that . Never knew what to do with it .. b
wow. love the pics. my fave is the pineapple and the blooming cage! i also have a pineappe but will be long before i see any fruits on it NICE!
Beautiful Orchids EJ, you have such a good green thumb for growing them. I also have a birdcage and have been wondering what I could place inside, the holiday cactus in there is a great idea.
Droopy took the words right out of my mouth. Beautiful color EJ, thanks for brightening my gloomy, rainy day.
It's really beautiful The little fella is a new plant and after harvesting the pineapple the new bud will grow into a full plant and give you another pineapple ..... I think so because I always leave the plant alone after harvesting the first fruit, a new shot will grow and producer another fruit faster. :-D
What a beautiful variety of plants. Love the orchid. Would never get the winter blues with such a lovely indoor garden. :-D