"Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection." I don't know who to attribute this quote to, but I love it! I need to have this tattooed on my forehead! One of my faults is that "good enough for right now" is NOT good enough for me because it's not perfect! I am struggling and learning, on a daily basis, that it's OK for something, including me, to be a work in progress, to be a fluid, nuanced movement in the right direction even if I still can't see the finish line! That I am OK right now, that what I'm doing is OK right now, even if right now doesn't include the perfection that I'm aspiring to. This is a hard lesson for me. What about you?
Had to let go of "perfect" decades ago. It was to help my sanity because my lack of perfection drove me crazy at times! It helped... A bit. Lol