What to do when its 10 Deg. outside and 70 Deg. inside. I have two boxes of slides some 35mm and some 2 1/4 X 2 1/4 and I always wanted to convert them to digital. I have a scanner but didn't like the way they turned out. I used a clip to hold the slide vertically. P1030004 by tsebmj, on Flickr I set the slide on top of a plastic food container and in front of the GS web page white area. P1030003 by tsebmj, on Flickr You can see a faint image on the camera display. P1030001 by tsebmj, on Flickr This is the photo taken with my jerry rig setup and now I have something to do for the rest of Winter. P1031093 by tsebmj, on Flickr