Ugh. By dose is all stuffed ub. Coughig so buch by throat is raw, ribs ad stubach buscles hurt. By dose is rudding AAAD stuffed up all at the sabe tibe! What is up with THAT?? I ab covered id Vicks Rub, suckig od medthol cough drops ad sipping peppermidt tea. By bedroob sbells like a pharbacy. I ab biserable.
Alchol kills both bacteria and viruses. So in theory if you get your blood alcohol content up high enough it should kill the sickness. Seriously though I hope you feel better soon.
Honey will help soothe your throat, and it tastes good Dont add it to the tea though, heat supposedly kills the thingies that are good in honey (cant think of the word for it).
It could be a sinus infection (drainage will cause almost continuous coughing) but if the cough is productive then it's probably something you need to see the doctor about. I was told by a nurse many years ago that using any menthol products really makes it worse and basically does nothing for the ailment. Propolis is an ingredient in honey that is healing, it's what bees line their honeycomb with to prevent bacterial and viral infections from killing the baby bees. And it works wonders on humans too!!! You probably should make a trip to either your doctor or one of the PrimaCare locations to get it checked out. If you are contagious you don't want the grandkids catching it.
vinegar and honey made into a hot or cold tea is my go to drink. a T. of cider vinegar and 1 or 2 T of honey into a cup of water makes for a soothing drink and kills germs. Hope you feel better soon.
Ronni you worked in the garden yesterday and started feeling bad today? There is a good chance you disturbed something in the soil and infected your sinuses.
I have a feeling that you may be reacting to the pollen in the air. An antihistamine may help. There are many choices Why not call your doc's office and ask for a recommendation. Pore thaing...hope you feel better real soon.
I've been having a cough, too. It's due to the weather here, I think. Spring is a wet, cool month without a lot of sunshine. I'm hoping the sun and warmer weather this coming week will help it. Hang in there and don't let it get you down. dooley
Thanks all for your commiseration and various suggestions. I do have allergy issues but this was more than that. Thankfully, this morning, I'm feeling somewhat better. Not well, but certainly better than I felt yesterday! My muscles hurt from all the coughing, but thanks to liberal doses of honey (I just take some on a spoon and let it warm in my mouth and as slowly as I can manage let it trickle down my throat) my throat isn't very sore any more and the cough is less. I can even breathe through my nose again. I felt almost guilty not going in to work yesterday....I NEVER take time off work and always work through whatever is ailing me. But my yesterday clients both have small children and I didn't want to expose them to anything. It was a good thing I stayed home though, I think I needed the rest. Back to work today though! Thanks again, folks!
There is always mold in the air, watch the weather report on TV when they give the pollen count, mold is a year round allergen. Digging in the early spring, especially after a wet spell will cause the mold to increase and your reaction is the same I had a month ago from mold in the soil.
Just got over that stuff. Vicks works wonders on the chest and around the nose. Two or three cups of a hot toddy and you will be back to normal. If not just add another hot toddy and you won`t care if you are sick.
I'm glad to hear you are feeling a little better. Take it easy for a few days so it doesn't come back.