Coyote Time

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Desert Rat, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. Desert Rat

    Desert Rat The Dusty Blogger

    Mar 12, 2006
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    I am up early this morning and Chance is eager to get out of her little nighttime yard. She takes her security role very seriously and wants to make a perimeter check. She heads for the back fence snarling and barking. One can easily see the wolf in her ancestry.
    A coyote is just on the other side of the fence. It sees me and takes off running. Chance continues to bark and bounce off the fence. She is so proud of doing her job. The coyote was a young one with a still-beautiful coat of a light color.
    Our neighbor told us the cat population was down by at least five, now I know why. Too many people let little Muffy or Fluffy out for the evening and wonder why their pet doesn't come back in the morning. The answer is they were supper for the coyote.
    Oh, well, today we will head up the hill to Prescott to buy groceries. i'm sure we will also bring back more potting soil and such. Prescott is up the hill from us and like Denver it is a mile high city at 5,280 feet aove sea level. For this morning at least, the sun is shining, the chirds are burping and all's right with our very small corner of the world. DR
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  3. catkins

    catkins Seedling

    Mar 23, 2006
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    aint no sunshine
    WOW, WOW, WOW !!
    Vultures and coyotes!! I really am amazed! All i get here is slugs and snails, the odd bird and if im really lucky a hedgehog! It must be an amazing sight, or are you so used to it, that it doesnt suprise you? Could you take pictures of them for us? i would love to show them to my daughter, she was fascinated by your tales of vultures.
  4. Desert Rat

    Desert Rat The Dusty Blogger

    Mar 12, 2006
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    We'll try to get a picture of the vultures. We will have to wait until we see them soaring close enough. Coyotes don't stand still long enough for pictures unless you have telephoto lens, etc. No promises, though. DR
  5. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    Coyotes double wow! The WilE Coyote fan club has rolled into town :) Chance seems to have done a fine job even if it was you who scared the coyote off DR. All a little dog wants in this world is a 'chance' to perform the job they were put on this earth for, to protect their masters with all their body can muster up.

  6. jubabe296

    jubabe296 Official Garden Fairy

    Mar 18, 2006
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    south central Texas
    We have a lot of coyotes here too! There is a big pond in the pasture next to ours and at night they surround it and howl and yip! They are so loud and it sends shivers up my spine!! They sound like they are attacking something!! They are very scary to me!!
  7. catkins

    catkins Seedling

    Mar 23, 2006
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    aint no sunshine
    Ive been thinking about this most of the day,its fascinating, i have a few questions for you if thats ok.
    Firstly, do the coyotes come close to the house? do they scavenge in bins and stuff?
    Have they been known to attack people? Would they attack chance if he got too close and are they loners? i thought they hung around in packs?
    I agree about the noice they make, i always associate that how with a horror movie, its a horrible desperate sound isnt it.
  8. dooley

    dooley Super Garden Turtle

    Jul 3, 2005
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    Coyotes are sort of like wolves. They do run in packs, but you find lone ones, too. This one was young so he may have just been exploring on his own. It's been dry enough that they come down from the hills looking for food and water. Yes, they would attack Chance and they fight nasty so Chance wouldn't make it. Brian is going to double the fence tomorrow and I'll plant some more flowere between. I've heard coyotes in the river attack an animal and it's not pretty. Coyotes are not nice like Wiley Coyote. Generally they don't attack people but a year or so ago one killed a little boy down in Cave Creek. People feel sorry for them and try to feed them and that draws them where there are people. They are wild animals, not pets. Dooley

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