Back at the beginning of September, one of our condo owners asked if we could use some plants that he had been trying to grow on his patio with little luck. Since our gardening committee operates on a very tight budget, I quickly said yes, we would give it a try. There were seven very sad looking dwarf English Daisies. Because it was past the time that they are expected to bloom (spring and early summer), I planted them and just hoped that they would survive until next spring. Four are planted in a large garden and now covered with mulch. The other three I planted in a small garden by the parking lot with some hostas and coreoposis. They somehow managed to survive the early freeze that we had and were looking just okay. This morning as I was leaving to do some shopping, there was a single pink daisy looking up at me. It is about 1 1/2 inches across and about 2 inches above the ground. Couldn't wait to get back from shopping to take this pic.
You must have the magic green fingers Karen!! So glad you spotted the daisy blooming and showed us how healthy and beautiful it is. :-D Let's hope all the plants survive and put on a great show next year.
I just adore daisys.....That is a real winner. Might get snow on the bugger next week. So far we lucked up .. I think you get about the same weather as us. b
Thank you all. I just love this little darling. We are supposed to be cooling down next week. We had snow and an early hard frost around Columbus day. October was about 10 - 15 degrees below normal but November has been about 15 degrees above normal. I think this daisy is expecting spring instead of winter. So far none of the tulips have come up but then they are buried under about 8 inches of dried leaves from our lawn care company. May have to go out tomorrow and move a few leaves to see how they are doing.
What a lovely Bellis perennis that is. That particular plant blooms in spring, through the summer and well into autumn here. I haven't got it in the borders but our neighbour's got it all over the lawn and it's so pretty. I might need to do some transplanting I think, when the neighbour's not watching.