Ok I have this huge beautiful green luscious broccoli plant but there is only one problem, it has no brocolli on it! It has been this way for two months! Any ideas as I really want some fresh brocolli. Thanks
Sorry Pete but it's not something I've ever tried growing myself. I'm sure someone will be along shortly who can advise you what's best to do though.
I've had no luck here with it, twice. Don't know if it failed to germinate or just got snaffled by the birds when it appeared? Same with my carrot and beetroot seed
I raise broccoli once pete.It made lots but the worms that get to them were the same color as the heads and I always soak them or any other greens in really saly water but the worms stay in the heads and wont come to the top even if they are dead you would tear up the heads getting them out and still ear worms.I didn't eat it or cook it.I sure never grew any more.
My broccoli is giant too, also no heads. If they don't have any sign of fruit in a few weeks, I'm removing to make room for fall crop. gardengater
I wonder if you could part all the leaves and expose the heart of the plant and take a macro foto of what there is to see. Then post that foto here.