Oh gad Jane our sides ache and we have tears in our eyes. How do folks think up labeling texts? When I showed the Bride her mouth fell open and her eyes looked like L’il Orphan Annie. Then the gails of laughter came. You know, I’ve never tried chicken forelegs. Would they have light or dark meat? Thanks for this great posting.
Now there's a breed of chicken I'd love to see - four legged ones!! Those giant chickens with four legs would be even better!!
S, tell her that the front legs are darker than the light meat but lighter than the dark meat. .. they don't work as hard as the back legs thats why they are not as dark... next time you go to the store and buy legs in a package ask the cashier if they are front legs or back legs.
Sjoerd, the folks who think up the labeling texts have never seen a chicken, and probably have never been outside! I've had people ask if I have any dill pickles growing, mistaking asparagus fronds for dill, and being flabbergasted that hens lay eggs when they want and where they want! Just try ordering up a dozen eggs from a flock of hens--they will give you the "hen evil eye" every time. Carolyn, that is such a great explanation! No wonder the front legs are such a delicacy.
Well,, if that foot that Sjoerd saw was any indication,,,I will take a front leg ! When our grocery store has them on sale about every two or three weeks I buy the legs and thighs,, 10 lbs for about $5. ! Next time I am going to ask the check out girl if they are front or back legs !
I love you MG!!! That's hysterical! I had a recent conversation with a friend's daughter (a grown woman)... She never realized that chickens have to have sex in order to lay fertile eggs. She assumed the roosters just squatted over the eggs and did g*d only knows what!!
Cayuga, we had a neighbor who believed us when we told him we were buying a stud mule for breeding purposes. He had lived in Texas all his 30-something years, and fancied himself as a "cowboy". We should have sold him a share in that mule!
Chuckle! My mother used to always say "a fool and his money are soon parted". I am sure you have heard that expression many times too.
I was astounded at what I read until I realized that parents here tell their kids that brown cows give chocolate milk. As a child you believe your parents...then they go and pull your leg. However, I can see that these were not jokes. I still love that packet. Talking about hysterical though—that tale of yours, Cayu really is a show stopper. It does make the mind imagine the most bizarre of solutions.
Well just to sober you all up, firstly four legged chickens are real. Here is a link to a bbc article written in the last century, hence the correct labelling. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/295277.stm