I grew up in a small town on the Mississippi River named Darrow. On a Louisiana forum I sometimes visit I met a young man from Darrow. He posted the other day that he had Salmon Sheen daylilies to give away. I emailed him and he got back in touch with me. He told me if I came and picked them up I could have them all. He is going to dig them and I will pick them up Thursday evening after work. I already know where I am going to put them. Can't wait.
How neat is that? How far do you have to drive to collect your pretties? Deanna :-D I Googled your flowers and they are purty
Yeah,Cajunbelle you are one of the sweetest,and nicest people I know and I love your flowers for sure the day lilies your going after today . Ummmmm is that good enough?
I'm going crazy? I know I replied to this earlier bc I answered Deanna's question, about 30 miles give or take a few. But I'll already be at work so half of my get there miles are already done. And yes Toni, free is very, very good, it is how I got most of my stuff. I can't wait to get them planted, hopefully they will bloom this year.