Had 7 deer go through the front yard a bit ago. 4 doe, 2 fawn only a couple of days old and the rear was brought up by an 8 point buck. His antlers were still covered in velvet. I tried taking some pics, but on the camera they didn't turn out to good. Will have to look at them on the computer to see if they are any better there. If they are, I will post them.
Wow, that's great! I haven't seen too many this year, even in the gardens at work where they are usually numerous. I hope your pictures turn out
Sorry to say the pics didn't turn out. When they came through, it had just gotten daylight and they were down front under the trees.
Sorry that your deer pics did not turn out Kirk. We have deer around here, and I see them often. I need to carry my camera with me more often. On the way to town, we frequently see two spotted fawns together on the edge of someone's field, but have not noticed the mother deer yet. Surely she is not too far away from her twins. I hope they will be okay. We have seen several new baby deer dead on the road this year.