For Postage or SASE....or seed trade I just harvested some seeds from my Delphs and you are welcome to them. They mostly came from the Lavender on in the pic. There are also a few seeds in the envelope from the originol planting they are the pacific giant series. Delphiniums ( photo / image / picture from carolyn keiper's Garden )
Beauties, C-- It looks like mine were frozen to death this past winter, but I do see some small signs of life in the place where thery were. Question is--what are those buds, and why are they coming up at this late date.
carolyn recieved my seeds today how soon can I plant them and how long does it take for them to bloom? and do they come back every yearand ty so very much
Donna, glad they got there and it didn't take too long. You are welcome, also. Go ahead and sprinkle the seed where ever you want them and mark the area for the seeds, so you don't weed them out if you are not familiar with the seedling stage. I will see if I can get a picture of a small one for you. I have one I saw the other day. I would say you can treat it as a biennial, although they do grow for several years. I have had this plant for about 4 years. It will grow this year and bloom next year and the following, too, if you leave it. This year I fertilized it and burned part of it out...oops! Then after they have bloomed and the flower is spent cut back the flower stalks to the foliage and it will send up another flush of blooms.
delphinium seedling ( photo / image / picture from carolyn keiper's Garden ) here is what a small plant looks like, Donna. It has very distinctive leaves.