Design student- looking for help and advice

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by jenny2006, Feb 22, 2006.

  1. jenny2006

    jenny2006 New Seed

    Feb 22, 2006
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    My name is jenny and I am currently in my last year at university studying product design. For my final project I am trying to produce a product that makes the gardening experience ultimately more enjoyable.

    From research, I have noticed that preparation before, during and after a gardening activity can take various length of time (By preparation I mean finding the right tools, getting changed in to old cloths, making cups of tea, having to take of dirty cloths before entering the house e.t.c) which results in time being wasted and the experience being frustrating.

    Considering the above I have a few rough ideas on a product that keeps all your tools and equipment together in one place and can be transported in to the garden with ease so as everything is there when you need it, as well allowing easy storage and organisation of tools

    I would really appreciate any answers to the following questions as well as to my initial idea mentioned above so as to help me gain a better insight into the gardening experience:

    What do you find most difficult with the gardening process?

    What do you find most enjoyable about the garden process?

    Where do you store your garden tools?

    Are your Garden tools organised?

    Could you list your top 10 most important tools/equipment?

    Do you listen to music while you garden?

    Thank you for your time and effort.
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  3. azw1879

    azw1879 Seedling

    Mar 28, 2006
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    The best way to find out about gardening is to actually experience it yourself. There are various aspects involved - the creation of new structures, the enjoyment and satisfaction of watching flowers and shrubs grow that you planted, seeing it all taking shape with the knowledge it is all your own work. The tools I use most when the garden is starting to come alive are usually secateurs to keep the plants in order, hedge shears (not electric hedgetrimmer), edging shears, lawn rake, small fork and trowel set for planting or loosening soil around plants, watering can, a hammer and screwdrivers are also handy to have for any fence/gate repairs. Larger items being the lawnmower/strimmer. Accessories - oil, screws, nails, twine (I prefer using plastic ties) wood/plastic labels. Sweeping brush/small brush (nice to keep the paths and patio tidy). As I tend to have many plants in containers, the spade and fork are not used as often. I store all my tools in the shed, along with pots, etc. They are quite organised, need to be I guess in a 6'x4' area. Not much room to move, so handy and easy to get to is better. Yes. I tend to have the radio on when gardening, but afterwards I like to listen to a Tai Chi music cd which is very calming and relaxing, while observing the day's work, especially in the summer, sitting on the patio and having a couple of cool beers.


    PS. I can't do the Tai Chi controlled movements, but working in the garden is good enough exercise.
  4. catkins

    catkins Seedling

    Mar 23, 2006
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    aint no sunshine
    Hi Jenny,im a bit new to this gardening thing, but will try to help.
    Most difficult has to be preparing the soil for planting, in my case, i have a bad back and lots of clay in my garden, which makes for hard work.

    Most enjoyable for me is watching things grow from seed, one day there is nothing there, then suddenly...., then looking in my garden and knowing it was all my own work.Its a fantastic feeling and well worth the effort!

    I have a wooden shed that i store all my trusty tools in.
    I keep my shed organised and everything is hanging up,no one else is allowed in my shed, so it stays clean and tidy, just how i like it

    Top ten tools?? My spade and fork are my most used tools, i wouldnt say i have a favourite, although i do have a cute pink spotted pail with pink spotted watering can and tools, that my children bought me for mothers day (too nice to use)

    A very big yes to music in the garden, i use my mp3 player and have been known to sing very loudly without realising, much to the amusement of my neighbours :D
  5. azw1879

    azw1879 Seedling

    Mar 28, 2006
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    Regarding clothing, etc., while working in the garden.

    I tend to wear a combination of 2 jackets together, depending on the weather. A waterproof warm jacket and underneath a denim jacket minus the sleeves (making it a sort of waistcoat) this gives me plenty of pockets for smaller gardening items and tools. Good Rigger boots, (don't want to be dropping anything heavy on my toes) but if I did these boots are ideal. I like padded half-finger gloves, as this way your palm is protected if doing heavy work, but if the task also involves plants, your fingers are free without having to take the gloves off. A great small tool to have is multi-combination pliers, almost the pliers version of the swiss army knife.

  6. jnnwyman

    jnnwyman Seedling

    Mar 9, 2006
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    west Texas-different from east Texas
    Hi there, Jenny,

    1. What do you find most difficult with the gardening process?

    I'm in agreement with azw1879, the best way to find out about gardening is to actually experience it yourself. :)

    In the USA, we now have 117 million seniors. With age comes stiffness in joints and muscles. Bending over, chopping, digging, etc. are all hardships for seniors.

    2. What do you find most enjoyable about the garden process?

    Outside fresh air, watching things grow, watching the birds play under the sprinklers. Seeing our neighbors outside in their gardens and yards.

    3. Where do you store your garden tools?

    In a big carry-all type of bucket with a handle. We also have a garden seat that rolls on the ground that has a storage underneath it. When needed, we have a work shop.

    4. Are your Garden tools organised?


    5. Could you list your top 10 most important tools/equipment?

    Hand clippers
    Watering can
    Electric hedge shears
    Electric leaf vaccum
    Electric leaf blower
    Small and large sized rakes
    Round or square tomato cages that I use for tall flowers too
    Push broom, kitchen broom

    6. Do you listen to music while you garden?

    No. I'm not into music. I like peace and quiet. I like listening to the birds and hearing the trees make a rushing noise as a breeze moves through them. :D


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