This female native persimmon is a few blocks from my house, and every year it produces a good crop of fruit. There's a sixty foot male about four blocks away, which is probably the father. Blurry, but shows the size of the fruit. But these hybrid Japanese trees produce the good stuff. The genus Diospyros translates into 'fruit of the gods', or the divine fruit. And the last of my buckeye seed crop. Aesculus pavia.
Oh boy! Persimmons. My mouth puckered up as soon as I saw them. One of my aunts had a few Persimmon trees. We'd practically make ourselves sick eating on them all day.
I've heard a few good tales of persimmon and puckering and over indulgence of this off the wall fruit. All true, I'm sure. My son says it is true to its translation. Paw Paw fruits rival it though. (Asimina triloba).
wow very large tree,, and my parents have a tree in garden but it is very small in size,, I love fruit,, and a secret, who knows maybe one, if you cut the fruit even when it is hard then you can put them in the freezer for a few days, and will be ready to eat ie would have softened :-D