I have a lovely white peony in partial shade near our deck. I'd like to have more, and think I can divide this one. There is not room in the same area, so where should I move it? My daughter's getting married next Summer ('12) and I'd like to have both plants blooms for showers, parties, etc. Any advice appreciated!
In my experience paeonies won't bloom for a year or two after dividing or moving them, but it might be that our paeonies are easily offended. When I divide paeonies I dig up the entire clump after blooming and sort of let it fall apart on it's own accord. I haven't had any die on me yet, but they will sulk for a year or two. We've got paeonies in full sun and part shade. Ours do best in full sun but I live in Norway and our full sun probably isn't as full as yours is.
I moved mine and it did not flower till the third year after moving. It's happy now, plenty of blooms. Jerry
Same for me, a very sensitive plant... I brought some of my grandmother's peonies, divided in the Fall... It came up beautifully the next Spring but it did not bloom... I am anxious to see if it will bloom for me this year... It gets nice warm afternoon sun... They are a beautiful flower... I hope you can find yours a happy new spot, Dreama.
It is best to transplant peonies in late summer through fall. as mentioned, peonies can be temperamental, moving in the fall can allow for a few spring blooms as mine have done when I transplant. Be sure to transplant them at the same depth as they were , or this will mess with blooming as well. Plant too deep and they may never bloom. They do best in full sun, at least for me in Michigan. Here is a little tip for transplanting..... If it blooms in spring, transplant or divide in fall. If it blooms in late summer or in the fall, transplant in the spring otherwise they may be too weak to survive a rough winter after spending all their energy blooming. Ron