I will sure miss them when they go south. But nothing to see 4-5 fighting over feeder. And still have many deep throat flowers they like. Rose of Sharon full on them.Misting rain right now. and every feeder they are fighting.
I have one that is trying to get food out of the peanut holder. He buzzes around it all day long. Barb in Pa.
Every who comes over said never seen so many. Been working for years to plant flowers they and butter flies like. Had one try yo get something out of top of finch feeder -got red cap
I only see one come through my yard, it comes onto my back porch for the calibrochia. I bought a feeder but it hasnt been that interested. My dads been luring them for awhile though and oh lord do they put on a show there. I've seen up to six or seven buzzing around fighting over the feeders.
Ive seen at least 3 hummers buzz around here, but they seem to take turns at the feeder, no fighting lol. I know theres at least 1 male and 1 female, not sure about the 3rd. Only time I see them together, theyre zooming around and I cant figure out who is who
koszta kid--I think this will prove to be a popular topic. Hummers sure are delightful, aren't they? I have heard they are very territorial, and this does seem to be the case. I have seen one buzzing around a group of chickadees. At first I thought he was trying to hang out with them, then it became obvious that he was trying to shoo them away from his flower patch!
One was trying to get get some out of red cap of finch feeder. Last issue of bird and blooms people had 40 feeders+many plants. They went though 285 pounds of sugar last year.I wish I had huge deck -like they had
It is cooler this am. And I was shocked to see how many hummers. All 6 feeders full up And all over the flowers. Need to buy video camera. They have even gone to top red cap of finch feeder and tried to feed out of it.