Scarecrows are an important part of English culture, they feature in many stories and a few horror films too They can be very naughty and often have birds and animals nesting in them. This is one of ours
I love that scarecrow, it's so sweet !! I'll be starting on mine shortly. I have her all planned out. I just need to collect my pieces/ parts and buy a bale of straw which is a bit hard to find as it isn't locally grown. Nevermind, I can always use hay which there's plenty of.
When I made my scarecrow called Barry I stuffed him out with old plastic bags. You can put screwed up paper etc inside those to make 'em fatter. We'll have to see if we can find a picture of Barry - he's a rocket scientist who went off the straight and narrow. ..... watch this space...
I'm in the City, itty bitty as it is, and there are no goats around. But the house wrens will find a way to mess with mine, I',m sure of that !!
I found a pic of Barry before he went out on Scarecrow duty, he's reading up for his Open University degree...
We don't have any... Well.... We do, because my wife says I always look like one! This is because around the house I dress in "scruff." This is because at any time I might decide to do a task in the garden, shed, or garage, or clean the car and I can go straight out and get on with it without getting changed, which is always a chore and might put me off. When I come in, I change into clean "scruff." Because I may want to go out again later. What I was wearing goes straight into the next load of washing. I never wear "scruff" if I leave the house. I always make myself presentable. There is one exception. If in the middle of a job I decide I need to go down to the local village hardware/DIY store, for something, I will go in my "scruff." More than once I've met a neighbour there, who does exactly the same.
This ^^^ is exactly what I do !! Coffee in my pajamas on the porch Gardening clothes for morning garden work Clean gardening clothes for late afternoon gardening (because mid day is far too hot to work outside) I have been known to show up at the hardware store looking like I rolled in a mud puddle but, hey, that's what the folks around here expect of me. Pity to disappoint them !! I will be using my own gardening clothes for my scarecrow. Those passing will probably be taking second looks thinking I've accidentally speared myself or something.
Neighbor 1: "Look in the yard and see if Annie is home" Neighbor 2: "She is, she's been home all day long for a month straight. Strange though...she just stands there in the middle of the garden, never moves" Neighbor 1: "Thats no surprise, she's always been a little 'off center' long as I've known her"
I intend my scarecrow to be spinning in the wind so, they'll be calling the men in white coats to come get me !!
Blimey, the new Worzel Gummage series has got a song with that in (For our American members, Worzel Gummage is an English scarecrow who gets up to all sorts of naughty things) I'll have to do this from memory as it's a BBC series so it won't be on Youtube... Think that's right as I've only seen it once as Tetters doesn't like it