Do you stick to your diet?

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by dooley, Jun 9, 2011.

  1. dooley

    dooley Super Garden Turtle

    Jul 3, 2005
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    As many of you know I'm a diabetic. That calls for a low carbohydrate, low fat diet. dr has an inner ear fluid imbalance which calls for a low salt diet. This basically means we can't use boxed or canned things from the store. No pizzas either. We check labels on everything. Anything with a salt level more than 100 calls for a consultation between us to decide if we should buy it. Same with something that has more than 10 sugars as part of the carbohydrate count.
    We have also been on no caffeine and drink decaf tea and coffee. Now, the doctor has added no carbonated beverages and no chocolate for me. Now, you cannot find decaf drinks at restaurants here in Texas. Most restaurants do not have decaf coffee and none have decaf tea. I carry decaf tea bags with me and get hot water from their coffee machines which do not make for a good cup of tea but it's better than nothing. Everything I drink has to be unsweetened so diet colas were an option but with the added no carbonated beverages there goes that option, too.
    So, Once in awhile I cheat. Today, I had unsweet iced tea with my lunch. Sometimes I have a diet cola with lunch. Never more than one though. Today we went to a buffet place for lunch (after a doctor visit) and I stood and looked at the dessert counter. The only sugar free or no added sugar cookies were chocolate. They had about a four foot long section with nothing but chocolate and not unsweetened wither. So, I just stood and absorbed it. I don't think I gained any caffeine or sugar from just looking.
    I looked at the pizza, too. Some days temptation is just too great. Fortunately today a young boy came and took the last slice of pizza before I could make up my mind. All the good foods have too much something.
    So, do you stick to your diet faithfully or do you cheat a bit sometimes.
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  3. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    I stick to my diet all day, but after dinner I just can't stop myself from having milk and cookies!! I just CAN'T!
  4. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Almost all restaurants and fast food places up here have decaf coffee and many have decaf tea, maybe a request to the manager will get more of them in your area serving decaf too. We usually get water. I had a Dr. Pepper last week, made with real sugar of course none of that corn syrup stuff. I haven't had desert after a meal in years cause I know what the sugar will do to my blood sugar. I have hypoglycemia and too much sugar drops my protein level in my blood way down and I get sick.

    I do love Cici's pizza so we have to limit going there to once every other month simply because none of us need that much fat and bread. A nice plate of fried Catfish is a favorite too so that is on the cheating list for maybe 4 times a year.

    If you don't allow yourself to cheat once in a while, without feelings of guilt, a diet is almost impossible to stick with for very long.
  5. stratsmom

    stratsmom Flower Fanatic

    Aug 23, 2006
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    Southern Oregon
    Wow! You girls are dedicated :eek: I am proud of you!! The time has come that I have got to start taking better care of myself. Wish me luck :rolleyes: I have dieted off and on my entire life and hate it! However, I have decided it is not a "diet" but a "life style change" As you can tell I've been reading and studying it a lot :D Plus the fact that the doctor has been harping on me. Monday night was the final straw though. I had to go to the hospital sleep lab and wear a cpap mask. It was awful!! I'm afraid I'm going to get stuck with that dumb mask :'( The doc says the way to get around that is to get some of this weight off so I'm going to try (again) I love to cook I love to bake and I love to eat. But, I guess that's a thing of the past :(

  6. dooley

    dooley Super Garden Turtle

    Jul 3, 2005
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    We eat a lot of vegetables and prepare most things from scratch. I, too, like to bake and most often it's muffins or bread. It's hard to resist things and having someone to help diet with you is a great help. Set yourself a limit. One thing that's not on your diet each day and a limited amount of it. Trying to keep a strict diet is a sure way to fail on it.
    Don't dwell on it if you fall off, just climb back on and try again. You can do it! We'll help if you let us know from time to time how you are doing. Feedback is so positive.
    stratsmom likes this.
  7. Frugalkate

    Frugalkate Seedling

    May 6, 2011
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    I always stick to mine. It's the seefood diet..I see it I eat it and of course I really need to lose some weight because of's just sooo hard, but I know that I'm going to have to get going with slimming down. I need to lose about 30lbs.
  8. AAnightowl

    AAnightowl Young Pine

    Apr 29, 2011
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    Dooley, I am diabetic too. Mostly I try to stick to my diet, But some days I allow myself a treat or two and figure that in with my carbs. You can drive yourself nutty with it. I am not saying you should cheat a lot. A good site to visit for diabetes care is the diabetic board over at WebMD. Sometimes I go there. My numbers are good about 95% of the time.

    One of my former doctors had a list longer than both my arms of forbidden foods. Humph. Most of them I already did, and I had no intentions of adding new restrictions. HE didnt follow his own advice, why should I ? He moved to Florida, so I see someone else now. When you are finicky eater, mostly vegetarian and have lots of allergies, who needs more restrictions! BTW, I am loosing weight now. It was some of my meds that caused the weight gain, and I no longer take most of those.

    Take care of yourself, but allow yourself some slack sometimes. :stew1:
    bethie likes this.
  9. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Hi All,

    First off I am not diabetic, I hope not ever anyway, I haven't been to the dr except for getting stitches where i nicked an artery working in the flowerbed and having pneumonia a couple years ago, that said I surely wouldn't contribute to this forum with any firsthand experience or knowledge.

    I have heard that cinnamon is excellent to help regulate blood sugar, I have seen it for sale by the capsule in the swansons vitamin catalog.

    I started taking fiber pills, just to help with the always hungry or eating out of boredom (mostly in the winter). this takes the munchies away. Not just a couple pills. I started with just a few a day and increased it to 5 before every meal. I also started taking greentea diet pills, also. I lost 30lbs. in about 6 months. javascript:emoticon(':eek:');

    I don't really know if the fiber pills would help with your blood sugar issues or not, but there is not much if any sugar in them and the fiber would benefit most people. I think most of us don't get enough as it is. But it definitely helps with to curb the appetite and helps to not graze throughout the day.

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