I've been trying to think and my brain isn't quite working yet. I went to the doctor on Tuesday, thinking she was going to tell me the tests were all negative and I was good to go. The tests were not all negative. They found a shadow in my left lung and did a CT and an MRI. They "think" it's a bit of the breast cancer that migrated. So they started me on the medication that they use for breast cancer patients and hope in 90 days there will be some changes to it. She gave me a sample for the first 30 days. We stopped at the pharmacy to see what they would cost for the other 60 days. Five hundred dollars for 30 pills, roughly seventeen dollars a day. I went and filled out paperwork at the Health Resource Office and hopefully the manufacturer will help with the cost. The Cancer Society gave me some numbers to call, too. So, I'm back in the wait and see mode for 90 days but hopefully not so many trips down to College Station. I don't have to go back to the oncologist until October but I have to go to the primary care doctor next week. That will be trip number 20 in twelve weeks. Poor Chance can't figure out why we leave and stay gone all day. Some days we just go into town and are back shortly. She is getting really confused. Me, too! dr isn't doing much better! dooley
Dooley, That wasn't the result we were all hoping for. All the Stewies are pulling for you. Keep strong and let us know of your progress.
Oh, no. Okay, doubling up on the good thoughts and healing prayers for this new medicine to take care of that leftover bit.
Awww Dooley that's not good news. I really hope those new drugs work and that when you see the oncologist again the lung will be clear. Fingers crossed that the forms you filled in will let the manufacturer see that you need their help and that they will pay for most for your treatment.
All good thoughts, healing thoughts and prayers are welcome at our home. I will probably just blog about this from now because it isn't really a garden thing but I wanted to tell you of the decision. dooley
You will be in our prayers that in 90 days you will get better news. Goodness, the pills are on the expensive side. Hope the manufacturer helps out. Thinking healing thoughts, Jerry
Thanks for the update, Dooly. I am quite disdappointed that the results weren't better. I am just astounded at the cost of the meds. I sure do hope that you can find ways that the costs can be cut. About that medication--you said that the doc gave tou 30 days' worth and then you went to a pharmacy to check on the price for an additional 60 days. I hope that the treatment course will not exceed 90 days. Anyway, do keep posting about the progress, please. What is the story on the fires there? Have they sunsided? I hope that you did not have to be vacuated. I do feel sorry for those who lost everything. What a disaster that fire was. Bah! How is your garden coming along with all the dryness and heat?
Dooley, I was just thinking about you today. sorry to hear the news is not as good as you and us had hoped. I'll keep you in my prayers. In Christian love and friendship. Carolyn
Dooley, I am sorry your news was not better for you. I do hope and pray for a speedy recovery for you. Hugs and prayers for you.
Well rats I know that you will be just fine because you have a good attitude Mom's doctor is just sure that is why she is doing so well! Hugs and prayers coming your way!!! :-D
Dooley - I sure hope you can get some $$ help with those meds, but those meds they have today can really work miricals. I'm sure all those trips are a pain, but you do what you have to do. Prayers have been sent up for you and dr.
Pardon the language, but over here Downunder we'd say 'Bugger!' That's a blow, but I'm adding my good wishes to all those above and hoping the meds do their job. The price is just outrageous! Wishing you all the best over the next 90 days.