I got 2 buckets full of coffee grounds. I am planning to spread it in the back yard. But was wondering if there is anything I can plant in those in a pot? As an experiment. Will anything grow in coffee without any dirt?
Mushrooms will. Since coffee grounds are acidic you might find a plant that loves acidic soil and give it a try.
An experiment. Drawn to this post like a magnet I was. Question: is your soil on the alkaline side of neutral? If it is then coffee grounds may help send the soil in the right direction. As for growing something directly in coffee grounds.......well.....I think whatever grew would have it's toes singed by the 5.1 or less Ph of the grounds. If you added some lime to the grounds then it might give a blueberry plant half a chance. Jerry
Try it and see is all I can say. Maybe even sprout seeds from several different families in the grounds, see what lives the longest. Good luck!