I just bought a pack of Downy Skullcap and the Chinese and Mad Dog Skullcap are on their way. On the little packet for the Downy Skullcap it said, "Sow just below the top of the soil. Slow to germinate." And I heard for the Skullcaps you need to refrigerate them for 3 months. But it said right on the packet to plant them, so will they germinate fine? It's my first time growing this because I need it for the calming medicinal effects. Please help me, Ken.
I think this link may answer your questions HG. http://www.gardenguides.com/97145-grow- ... seeds.html
None of the cultivars I grew of scuttelaria liked full sun. Skullcap, ginseng, blood root, lady slipper, are all candidates for under a grape arbor.