I took this picture of the ducks swimming in the pond behind our house. ducks in pond behind our house ( photo / image / picture from dooley's Garden ) I hope it's not too big. I did resize it but it looks big. I had another one but it won't load. Maybe it's too big. I'll have to resize it again. I finally got the other picture to load. Let's see if I resized it small enough. ( photo / image / picture from dooley's Garden ) Okay, I hope it's small enough. dooley
Oh, envy!!! We have had one lone grebe in our pond, and once, only once, three shovelers. I really like your photo of the ducks. With all the rain we've been having, they have plenty of places to swim, but the ducks picked that particular pond.
No need to resize Dooley as the one you've posted is just fine. :-D I've only ever had one duck on my pond and it didn't stay for long. I wonder if the ones in your photograph will stay around and maybe breed come spring. It would be lovely to have lots of little ducklings to watch.
I think I didn't make it very clear here. Someone gave the neighbor 20 ducks. She had her husband dig the pond last fall and it's taken it two or three months to fill up with water. They did just have a tub of water. So, now they are in that pond every day all day. They have a small shallow corner where they gather at night. It's called a tank in Texas. They want to put some fish in it and when the horses were back there it wasn't very deep and they waded in it. dooley
Your neighbours did a good job with the pond as it looks natural. I like the shape of it and it fits in nicely with the land around it.
Great photos Dooley. I bet you'll get lots of wildlife visiting the pond. The only ducks I see around here is at the retreat center down the road.